bonus digitalizzazione

Digitalization Bonus 2022

Bonus Digitalizzazione 2022

Digitalization Bonus 2022 , many talk about it but few know its actual nature.

Let's see together what it is, what it is for and how to obtain this economic advantage.

What is the 2022 Digitalization Bonus?

You can call it both a Bonus and a Voucher , and it is a promotional voucher that is provided to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The idea is supported by the Ministry of Economic Development - donating 608,238 million euros - and launched by Infratel Italia , an Italian public company that operates in the telecommunications sector.

In detail, it is an incentive and financial aid aimed at the purchase of ultra-fast internet services - contracted in a subscription lasting 18/24 months - which starts from 300 up to 2500 euros, intended to offer high-speed Internet high in download from 30 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s.

We are talking about the second phase of the Voucher Plan, resulting in the PC and Internet Bonus reserved for families with ISEE not exceeding 20,000 euros.

But who has the right to access this Voucher?

This innovative measure is dedicated exclusively to micro businesses and SMEs present in the national territory, which are registered with the provincial Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture and which are not subject to insolvency proceedings.

Furthermore, individuals with a VAT number who practice an intellectual profession can also benefit from these economic advantages.

Types of Bonuses and how to use them

Let us understand the functionality of these coupons and how a business can avail them.

A Voucher reaches a maximum of 10,000 euros and is useful for financing up to 50% of company costs.

In fact, the Bonus can be used by companies to cover some expenses for technological tools , such as computers, printers, scanners, cables, etc.

Or to purchase software and programs useful for enhancing work and facilitating the team's tasks.

As already mentioned, the Internet Bonus can be requested by businesses and VAT holders and can have different amounts.

Each company is entitled to only one Voucher, which can have an amount ranging between 300 and 2500 euros for a duration ranging from 18 to 36 months.

Below we can clarify everything by dividing the Bonus into three bands:

  • Band A: 300 euros for a continuous subscription for a period ranging from a minimum of 18 to a maximum of 36 months. This Voucher does not include any minimum bandwidth threshold.
  • Band B: 500 euros for a subscription that always lasts from 18 to 36 months, but in this case the internet will be offered at a download speed between 30 Mbit and 1Gbit/s.
  • Band C: 2000 euros for a subscription of a minimum of 24 up to 36 months, with connections with speeds greater than 1Gbit/s.

But how do you request the 2022 Digitalization Bonus?

We would like to point out that the Bonus request is active until 15 December 2022 , but everything depends on the amount of resources available, which could lead to an extension.

In general, to obtain the Voucher it is necessary to draw up a contract with a telecommunications operator , taking advantage of their sales channels.

It is essential, however, that this operator is previously registered on the Portal dedicated to the Bonus and is therefore validated by Infratel Italia.

Online you can find a practical guide dedicated to all operators who wish to take part in the 2022 Digitalization Bonus project.

Now that we have delved into the technical details of the topic and have understood what the voucher consists of, let's highlight the objectives of this economic aid and what advantages it entails.

Objectives and advantages of the Bonus

The 2022 Internet Bonus is an important provision regulated as part of the Italian strategy for ultra-broadband and its main purpose consists in the desire to incentivize the connectivity of companies from a technological point of view and encourage their digital transformation .

Thanks to this incentive, businesses will be able to benefit from a high-speed connection and improved working facilities.

And it doesn't end here!

The purchase of technological tools will lead to an optimization of efficiency and flexibility at work , which will generate a profit and the achievement of company objectives.

What do you think about it?

The 2022 digitalization bonus is a privilege and support that must absolutely be taken into consideration.

If you want to take advantage of this economic advantage and want more clarification, ask for help at Gilbi .co .

We are waiting for you!

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